I added a new blog to "This I Believe" menu. It is a short story, about Cassandra, one of my favorite characters in mythology. Link to the page is here.
New game added to Kinetic Activities. It's not one that I've done for years but I play tested it four times and it was definitely a hit. It's called Tuxtax which I have read is the Latin equivalent for thwack or thump. Link is here:
Well I have been receiving feedback from people for a while who have had difficulty figuring out where the Google Drive folders are. One of the readers pointed out that it would be easier if everything was in ONE folder. And now it is. It's called the Omnia folder and the link is here as well as on every page of the blog. I hope this clears up the confusion.
I wrote a new story which I used successfully with my Latin I students. It's a rather bizarre discussion about what trees do and don't do. I tried to use all the verbs we understood so far. It is in the Stories for Beginning Students Folder. Link is here. It is compatible with Ecce Romani Chapter 1 +2. There is also a copy in that folder as well.
With Halloween fast approaching, I thought I should add another game that I have been doing for years. It involves costumes and is probably one of the most memorable activities I have ever done. It works with every age, every level. And I made it up which accounts no doubt for the weirdness. It's called Unstrip Grammar - a name that will certainly pique the interest of your students and the link is here. It's under Kinetic Activites.
It's been a while since I have tended to the blog but personal life intervened this summer. Today, I uploaded another no-fail activity entitled Four Round Review under Miscellaneous Low and No Prep Activities. Save this one when you need the cavalry to arrive or your two outs down in the bottom of the ninth. This is your heavy hitter. It will work with any level and takes about 40 minutes - twice the length of most games.
I finally added the second video - Domina Magistra teaches verb songs. These two are some of the most successful songs that I use. The second half is cinematic! - clearly getting better with MovieMaker. Click here to go to songs and videos.
Under Miscellaneous Low and No Prep activities, I added "Whole Class Drawing." I've only been doing this one for the past year but it has worked every time.
I added a new game under a newly created heading, "Miscellaneous Low and No Prep Activities." I plan to put some activities that I use regularly that don't fit under the other categories. One such game is "Hollywood Squares." I played it last week with my class and it worked very well. My student teacher than ran it with the other classes and it also worked well. It's a good tool to have in your repetoire.
New blog under the tab, "Writing in Latin with Students" entitled "Editing." As a former English teacher, there are certain truths I've learned over the years regarding how to get students to write well. Since it other language teachers have asked me for some guidance in this area, I thought I would add what I have learned to this blog as well.
March 2020