Personal endings song (to the Tune of M-I-C-K-E-Y) Mickey Mouse song
Lyrics by Margaret Brucia O,S,T, M-U-S, T-I-S, N-T Latin verbs, Latin Verbs….Forever let us learn our Latin verbs! Present Tense Song (To the Tune of Joy to the World) Lyrics by Nancy Emery First conjugation the vowel is "A" In second the vowel is "E" In numbers 4 and 3, the vowel is "I" not "E" With U before N-T (3x) The Future Rap Rap and Lyrics by Linda Kordas In Conjugations 1 and 2, add Bo, bis, bit and bunt with a "U" In conjugations 3 and 4, add am, es, et and 3 e's more Bo, bis, bit, bimus, bitis, bunt Am, es, et, emus, etis, ent Break it down…. The Perfect Song (To the Tune of How much is that Doggy in the Window) Lyrics by Linda Kordas I, isti, it, imus, istis, erunt (ruff-ruff) The perfect tense, have, has, did, E-D The stem changes from the second to the third principle part Usually ending in S,X, U or V ..... Note: Students more often remember VSUX especially when it is pronounced vee sucks. The Passive Song (To the Tune of We Three Kings) Lyrics by Jocelyn Demuth Or, ris, tur, mur, mini, ntur Passive endings are what these are for! Be, been, being, add preceding the verb To make it passive..